Love 2 Cams

Sobre mim ❤️Mia(48 nyears) and Katy(28 years)❤️❤️size 36B and 40B

Nome: ❤️Mia(48 nyears) and Katy(28 years)❤️❤️size 36B and 40B
Idade: 48 Nascermos: August 15th, 1975
Sexo: none
Meu lugar: Bogota-Colombia
Total de usuários Visualizando Webcam: 16
Seguidores: 18733
Idiomas: Spanish- English (translator)
Sobre o meu espectáculo atual: NEWS: UNTIL TODAY TRANSMISSION HERE, I AM COMPLETELY LEAVING AS A WEB CAM MODEL, THANKS TO ALL THE LOVERS WHO SHARE WITH ME IN THESE YEARS... I accept gifts and tips that you leave me here on the page
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